Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Training

Training, training and more training.

Spring training is more laxed than fall training. It's shorter but more intense. Spring training usually lasts about a week, maybe a day more. It's more of an overview of policies and procedures. While there are new CAs that have been hired over winter break and it can be rough for them, it's too horrible.

Spring training is pretty much the small as fall training, in terms of content.

We have:
Training theme
Staff bonding
Ice breakers
Lunch with all the CAs on campus
Policy overviews and explanations
Creative Time
Staff Games
etc etc

While there is no spring opening, CAs can take a bit more of a breather and relax before pushing through the final semester of the year. And since it is more lax that fall training, some CAs can take a short nap before afternoon sessions. It's always a plus when you can get a bit more shut eye.

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